Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Mesopotamian City-States Project

Students just completed their most recent challenge in groups of 5-6. They started planning their Mesopotamian City-State on paper. They needed to sketch out a birds-eye-view and include the following things in their city-state:

-City wall
-Tigris or Euphrates River
-Farm with crops
-Canals and ditches
-Dam or reservoir

Once they planned out their city-state on graph paper, they marked off a plot of land and inserted a sign that included their names and the city-state they were creating. Then they got set on building! I gave them about 2 weeks, but that included 1.5 days of groups presenting their city-states.

Here are some examples from their projects:

Monday, October 16, 2017

Google Hangout with Minecraft Club!

Today my Minecraft 6 class had the pleasure of joining in on a Google Hangout video with the 4th and 5th grade Minecraft club at Carlton! Thanks to their amazing teacher, Mrs. Chia, we were able to teach them about our class, share our favorite projects and tell them why we love Minecraft. We asked them about projects they've been doing and like us, they are incorporating Social Studies standards and just built some California Missions. We have been building Mesopotamian City-States, so it was fun to compare. We would loved to have had more time to chat with them, but hopefully we can do this again next quarter with my new class!